This nut milk recipe requires no pre-soaking, the slow-roasting of the hazelnuts softens the nuts so they melt into the water when blended. Straining is optional, in fact un-strained is perfectly drinkable (pictured) and incredibly satisfying. Every few weeks I purchase a big bag of local hazelnuts and slow-roast them in one go. I then have them on hand for making nut milk and adding to smoothies, or folding through salads, and a small handful makes the perfect mid-afternoon snack.
1/2cupshelled hazelnuts
1/2teaspoonhomemade vanilla extract
pinchof sea salt
1teaspoonraw honey
Preheat oven to 140C.
Place the hazelnuts in a small roasting dish. Roast for 20 minutes, shaking half-way through until the skins are just starting to burst. Remove from the oven and cool for 10 minutes so the skins loosen. Tip the hazelnuts into a tea towel and rub vigorously to remove the skins. Some skins will be stubborn, so just rub off what you can.
Place the nuts and 250ml water into a blender and blend for 1 minute into a thick slurry. Add the remaining water and ingredients and blend for 2 minutes on high until smooth. At this stage the milk can strained through a muslin/ cheesecloth or drink it as we do un-strained. Store extra milk in a glass jar in the fridge, it will separate as there are no stabilisers, simply shake to recombine.