These probiotic gherkins can be eaten after 1 week, however, the sourness increases, and saltiness reduces over time. I try to have a rotation in place with our lacto-fermented produce so we are waiting at least a month before taking our first bite. You will need a 2-litre glass jar. The optional addition of the grapevine leaves contains tannins to help retain the crunch of the gherkins. Blackcurrant leaves is another option.
dill or fennel flower heads
1teaspoonmustard seeds
2tablespoons(30g) unrefined salt
1litre cold filtered water
2tablespoonscultured whey*
2grape vine leavesoptional
Wash the jar making sure to rinse off any soap thoroughly. Pack the whole gherkins snugly into the jar. Add the fennel flower heads and mustard seeds.
Make the brine by stirring the salt in the water until it is dissolved. Pour this over the produce to come within 2cm of the top of the jar (if there is extra brine set this aside for topping up the jar later). Pour in the whey and pack the grape vine leaves into the top of the jar. Secure the lid and gently turn (don't shake) the jar to distribute the whey.
Place the jar on a tray (to catch any drips) and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. The liquid may bubble over a little during the fermentation simply top up with extra brine to within 2cm from the top of the jar.
Once this initial fermentation has taken place store the pickles in the fridge. Wait at least 1 week before eating and consume within 2 months.
*Cultured Whey is the opaque liquid left over from low temperature cheese making. The easiest way to obtain whey if you don’t make cheese is to strain natural unsweetened yogurt or milk kefir through a cheesecloth lined sieve set over a bowl. Over several hours the whey will drip out and the yogurt becomes gorgeously thick and creamy. Keep whey in a glass jar in the fridge and use within 2 weeks.