These decadent truffles are the real deal. All the ingredients I have sourced from local producers.
100mlcream - dairy-free use coconut cream
200gquality chocolate, broken into squares - I used Hogarth Chocolate 70% Madagascar
pinchof Marlborough sea salt
1/2teaspoonorange powder*
1teaspoonvanilla paste
For dusting:
1/2teaspoonorange powder*
1tablespooncacao powder
In a small saucepan heat the cream until small bubbles appear around the sides. Remove from the heat (this is very important!) and drop in the chocolate squares. Add the salt, orange powder and vanilla, and whisk until smooth. Chill the mix for at least 4 hours to set.
Use a teaspoon to scoop the set chocolate mixture, then use your hands to roll into small walnut-sized balls. Combine the cacao and extra orange powder on a plate and roll the truffles to lightly dust. Store in the fridge in an airtight container, consume within 1 week.
*To make orange powder, thinly peel the zest of one orange into long strips. Arrange in a single layer on a lined baking tray. Dry the zest in a 40-50C oven set on fan bake until crisp. This takes about 2-3 hours. (Alternatively use a dehydrator). Grind the dried orange strips in a coffee grinder into a fine powder.