Stocking the Pantry
The most frequent inquiry I receive is ‘where do you source your dry goods’. Come join me, as we have a look around into my pantry.
I like to have a pantry full of whole grains, flours (including a selection of gluten-free), nuts, seeds, dried beans and lentils. Plus dried fruit and nutritious sweeteners. I like to focus on nutrient-rich and wholesome food at home and save the less healthy foods for occasional outings.

Whole-grains / Flours / Dried Legumes
- Flour > organic white, wholemeal and rye + brown rice flour, buckwheat and tapioca are the main gluten-free flours I use.
- Rolled-oats and spelt (or Arawa*)
- Whole-grains > quinoa, millet, buckwheat, polenta, basmati/ jasmine rice, brown rice and medium-grain white rice for risotto/ paella.
- Dried legumes > split red lentils, green lentils (French), chickpeas, kidney beans, pinto beans

Dried Fruit / Sweeteners
- Dried fruit – dates, apricots (sulphur-free), prunes, raisins, sultanas > check packets but most ‘brown’ dried fruit are naturally sulphur-free.
- Raw honey, maple syrup, apple syrup
- Golden sugar, muscovado sugar, rapadura sugar, palm sugar

Nuts & Seeds
- Nuts > almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, hazelnuts
- Coconut > desiccated and flakes
- Seeds > sunflower, sesame, pumpkin, flax seeds
Condiments / Oils / Seasoning / Spices
- NZ sea salt & black pepper in a grinder
- Cocoa powder, vanilla extract, baking powder/ soda
- Vinegar > apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, balsamic
- Extra virgin olive oil + Ghee for cooking
- Tamari (soy sauce), fish sauce, sesame oil, Worcestershire sauce

Spices & Dried Herbs
- Dried herbs > dried oregano and basil > fresh thyme, parsley, rosemary, sage and bay leaves in the garden.
- Whole spices > cumin seeds, turmeric powder, coriander seeds, nutmeg, mustard seeds, fennel seeds, cardamom pods, cinnamon

Wholefood Suppliers
The following is a list of New Zealand wholefood suppliers. Please note, I am not endorsing any of these suppliers, instead sharing the knowledge I have gained over the years sourcing quality ingredients food for my family. Firstly, I like to support local suppliers so I start this list with my Nelson locals. However, I know many of you reading this live elsewhere so read on for other NZ-based suppliers.
Local Nelson > Nelson Fresh Choice, The Organic Green Grocer, Prego Mediterranean Foods (including FYO local extra virgin olive oil), Nelson Bin Inn,
Fresh2U Organic Food Delivery / Nelson – weekly organic produce boxes + bulk organic dry goods and products. Organic grower Wolfgang Mann and I set up this service in 2005 and handed it over to Lucy Maxwell in 2012. Lucy has increased the range to include dry goods and organic products.
Ceres Organics/ Auckland – wholesale bulk organic foods. A huge selection of dry goods, gluten-free products and natural health products. You do need to set up an account with Ceres either as a business (with references) or coop account (for the coop account there is a minimum monthly order – this works best if shared between 3-4 families with each family ordering on a 3-4 monthly rotation).
Chantal Organics/ Napier – wholesale bulk organic foods. You can order 500gm packs up to 25kg sacks of dry goods.
Terrace Farms/ Canterbury – Ira & Geoff grow, harvest and mill flour fresh to order. They have Otane wheat (higher gluten for bread making), Arawa wheat (lower gluten), rye and buckwheat (beautiful fresh buckwheat flour). Email for a price list terracefarmorganic@gmail.com
Milmore Downs North Canterbury > Biodynamic – NZ-grown wheat, spelt, rye and oats.
Bio Grains Canterbury > mostly NZ-grown grains and wholefood products, chook food, flour etc.
Minchins Milling – NZ-grown freshly milled stoneground flour – Canterbury
My Bread Mix – organic flours and natural ingredients, including organic spelt flour suitable for bread making.
Canterbury Quinoa – spray-free grown by Andrew Currie at Avonmore Farm.
Wholegrain Organics – freshly milled stoneground organic flour – Palmerston North + online orders available.
Ngamara Farms – Organic Grain + Stoneground Flour – Marton, Rangitikei
*Please comment below with details of other NZ wholefood suppliers and also where you source your local wholefoods i.e. name and location of your local organic/ bulk food store. Thank you and shop local 🙂
Nelson Farmers’ Market
Fashion Island
Cnr Hardy/Morrison Sts
Thanks Donna, I also shop at the Nelson Farmers market for fresh organic produce but really interested in suppliers for dry goods for this post.
Real Food Grocer, Blenheim
Real Food Grocer, Maxwell Road, Blenheim
Fantastic post. Amazing looking pantry. I buy most of my bulk items from Davis Trading (20 Te Puni St Petone) and Moore Wilsons (there are 3 in Wellington). Also Steve’s Bulk barn in Palmerston North is fantastic. Mx
Thanks for that info, really helpful for Wellington based readers.
I love your earthquake proofed pantry Nicola! Great tips – I didn’t realise that about the grey NZ sea salt which I use because I like that it is local but good to know it is rich in minerals as well. Do you keep larger supplies of nuts in the freezer or just buy small amounts and use fresh?
Isn’t it great, I was glad to have the barriers the other day. It was quite a rumble here.
Yes I keep most of our nuts in a cool dark pantry and some in the freezer – Brazil nuts, walnuts.
I use http://www.coconutoilshop.co.nz for all my coconut products – water, oil, flour, chips, dessicated, soap etc. They are friendly and really efficient, based in Oxford, they can have my stuff to me the next day in Mosgiel.
Great post thank you! http://www.rebalance.co.nz is great for supplements, natural cleaners, skincare, kids stuff, etc. Also I am looking at getting your Feeding Little Tummies book. I have a little girl with a wheat allergy so wondering if there are many recipes in there I can use for her? She is a year old next month and I have no idea what to feed her! Thanks.
Hi Leah, yes all the recipes in my book include alternative ingredient suggestions if applicable and ideas for substituting flours to make recipes gluten-free, wheat -free or dairy-free.
Hi Nic – awesome post – thanks for sharing. Here’s another online source: http://www.lindstromfoods.co.nz/
Thanks Rachel! I have to check them out.
Hi Nicola, I am keen to know more bout starting a Ceres account. I have tried to message you through the ‘contact’ up the top of your page but its not working for me. Could please private message me about how to go about starting an account? Thank you Taryn (tazza8@hotmail.com)
Hi Taryn
If you contact Ceres directly through their website letting them know you want to set up an account they will send you the details either for a business account or coop account. They might be a bit swamped with enquiries after my post as had quite a bit interest!
Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Crikey…I have serious pantry envy now…
I love your pantry (how large is it?) and the earthquake proofing . My daughter and I share bags of whole spices which she buys from Moore Wilson’s.
Thanks Gabriele, it’s one big shelf unit that came with the house when we bought it. I love the dark wood work to go with the benches.
I recently came across this distributor while researching for my Mother. http://www.eternaldelight.co.nz
Hi Mieke, thanks for the link. There are some great online suppliers all over the country these days so easy for people to get their hands on the good stuff.
Hi do you know of any places that sell organic butter in the South Island and have a wholesale option for bulk orders?
Hi Sita, sorry no, I only know of Chantal’s but they are based in Napier… Good luck with your search.
A wonderful pantry! I’ve been reading Dr Libby’s latest book and came across your blog whilst searching for some whole food recipes. Luckily my parents have a whole food business in Christchurch that I can stock up from. Anyone can purchase online from them as well at http://www.lindstromfoods.co.nz. You’ve given me inspiration.
Thanks Melanie for including the link to Lindstrom Foods! I have heard of them recently but haven’t had a chance to check them out, will do now
I get all my beans, lentils etc from The Real Food Grocer on Maxwell Rd in Blenheim. They have lots of Organics also. Great site.
Thanks Diana, great to know of other places around the country.
Hey Nicola, do you know what the cheapest flour distributer is in nz? I love in Wellington and really want to start baking sourdough with freshly ground rye but might have to resort to buying my own grain grinder and rye berries if i can’t afford the cost of courier!
Hi Natalie, try Chantal or Ceres for the wholesale organic flour. Otherwise getting a grain mill is a fabulous idea for fresh flour and can be very economical if you make a lot of bread.
Hi Nicola, Great web site, first time reader. Bulk foods post edictally what I was looking for. Also it seems if you are into the home grown kitchen, you are probably into good health for you and your family, friends etc. I know of a great book, which at first glace it may seem a little radical but with all the supporting evidence throughout the book you may find some very helpful information. Book best listen to as a story book. So if your interested in good health, weight loss and avoiding many degenerative diseases check it out…The China Study.. By T. Colin Campbell… Thanks for the very helpful; information.. Sunny Days 🙂 Aali
Hi Nicola, Hope it’s okay to add our healthy food online store to this post. We have been working really hard the last year to get a great range of healthy foods in stock http://foodcompass.co.nz. I have to mention, having taken so many photos of food for own website, I can really appreciate your photos on this site. Wish I had half your skill of taking and presenting food shots.
Thanks Paul! That is fine to share your shop link here, that is the purpose of this page as so many people were asking me where to source good quality and affordable whole foods.
Perfect post! We’re looking to return to NZ from Sydney where we’ve been availing ourselves of bulk co-op organic goodness, and glad to know our Aotearoa larder will. be. sorted. Wahoo! Looking forward. Thanks 🙂
Anyone tried wholegrainorganics.Co.nz ?? Looks good 🙂 thanks for all the awesome info and links x
Thanks, I will check them out. New websites have popped up since I made this list so thanks for sharing 🙂
Nuts on line has closed down now and is naturalgrocer.co.nz
Thanks Chelsea, I have made this change to the list 🙂
Hi Nicola,
Such great pantry inspiration! thanks so much. We are big fans of yours down here in Westport on the West Coast of the South Island. Would it possible to add our shop to your list? Kominaya Organics – we provide bulk wholefoods, organic food and local produce. Sadly no website yet just our Facebook page ~ kominaya.organics.
Hi Anna, Thanks for the message. Of-course, I will add your shop next week once the kids are back at school, on limited computer time this week 😉 Will stop in to Kominaya on the way down the coast in November.
Hi Anna, finally had a minute to add your shop to NZ wholefood suppliers.
See you soon 🙂
hi Nicola
Thank you for sharing
I just started to sell roasted buckwheat in New Zealand online! I based in Tauranga and buckwheat can be purchased online here https://www.baybuckwheat.co.nz or around the Markets in Tauranga!
Customers love the product
I would love you to add Bay Buckwheat to NZ food suppliers, so more kiwis can benefit from this super healthy food
Hi Nicola,
Do you need to soak the linseeds to help with digestion or does this prevent them from being useful as a binding agent?
I love your book and recipes.
Hi Rose, flaxseeds are tricky to pre-soak because of their mucilaginous nature. Generally a small amount used so I use as it for their binding quality in gluten-free or low gluten bread. I hope that answers your questions. And thank-you for the lovely feedback about my book 🙂